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The Act 46 Implementation Project is a collaboration of the Vermont School Boards Association, the Vermont Superintendents Association, and the Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust. Consistent with the VSBA’s historic role in supporting improved education governance, the Project offers consultant services to school boards that are working toward operating structures reflecting state priorities under Acts 46, 153, and 156. The Project provides resources and related services to districts and aims to coordinate the efforts of the Associations with the Agency of Education. 



The Project has worked to provide study committees with resources to assist them in their work. To date, resources available include:

  1. School Governance Merger Activity (from the Agency of  Education)

  2. Merger Guidances (from the Agency of Education)

  3. Risk Management Issues surrounding merger

    1. Unemployment Issues - School District Mergers (Acrobat format)

    2. Coverage Issues - School District Mergers (Acrobat format)

    3. Employee Benefit Issues - School District Mergers Analysis August 2016 (Acrobat format)

  4. Community Engagement guidance

  5. State Board of Education Rule 3400 Series: Alternative Governance Structure Proposals 

  6. Agency of Education Guidance: Alternative Governance Proposals Under Act 46, Sec. 9

Vermont School Boards Association

2 Prospect Street, Suite 4

Montpelier VT 05602


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