February Is
School Board Appreciation Month
Join the VSBA in celebrating school board members for their service and commitment to all students in Vermont. Here are some resources to help.
Suggested Activities
Below are ways school districts around the state have in the past celebrated their school boards during School Board Appreciation Month.
Invite board members to a school event and publicly thank them for their service.
Provide free admission to school board members into sporting events during the month.
Ask the staff or students who write the school newsletter to feature board members individually.
Encourage parent organizations and/or student groups to sponsor an appreciation breakfast/lunch/coffee for the school board.
Use marquees and message boards in and outside the school(s) thanking board members for their service.
Include the state legislature’s or governor’s proclamation of School Board Appreciation Month in the school newsletter or read it aloud at the annual district meeting (if held in February).
Write a letter thanking board members for their service for publication in district-wide/school newsletters, local newspapers, and/or on the district’s website.
Present certificates of appreciation to board members at the board meeting.
Send a press release to a local newspaper.
Host a reception at the February board meeting. Invite students, staff, and local community members to attend.
Display board appreciation posters in schools and community businesses.
Sponsor a student poster or essay contest to thank school board members. Post the work in local public places around town and/or submit to local newspapers and put them in the school newsletter.
Create posts on the district’s and school’s social media platforms to give shout-outs to school board members.
Press Release Template (Word Doc)
Social Media Graphics
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