Superintendent Search
Successful education systems depend on exceptional leaders. Hiring a superintendent may be the most important decision a board makes. The VSBA is pleased to provide comprehensive superintendent search services to assist boards in this all-important endeavor.
The VSBA will assist the board and the screening committee by facilitating meetings and organizing the search process. Throughout the process, the board sets criteria and retains control of key decisions, with the VSBA assuring that a healthy process is established and facilitated, and key details are completed in an effective and timely way.

Let us help you find your needle in a haystack.
Current Searches
The VSBA provides links to postings for active superintendent searches here.
Rutland City School District - Successfully completed

Search services include:
Facilitating all essential tasks
Working with the SU/SD board to organize a projected timeline, budget, screening committee selection process and screening committee charge
Assisting with the development of a community needs assessment
Assisting with advertising through various media resources
Developing screening committee meeting agendas and interview schedules
Assuring effective communication with all applicants
Guiding the screening process
Organizing the reference check process
Managing semi-finalist and finalist visits to the community
Coordinating the search process with the Secretary of Education
When requested, assisting the board with goal-setting/ evaluation session
Why rely on the Vermont School Boards Association for your Superintendent Search?
The VSBA knows Vermont education law and the complexities of Vermont’s system.
The VSBA understands the roles and responsibilities of school boards and administrators.
The VSBA is the hub for school board systems and resources, and can quickly understand a board’s issues and respond accordingly.
The VSBA has countless connections within the Vermont education community, which can help in assuring the best possible services to meet a district’s needs.
"(The VSBA consultant) did an excellent job throughout the entire process. Well organized, responsive to questions, attentive to details and thorough in her preparation in getting to understand our district and its needs.
I would highly recommend..."
Other State Association Vacancies
National Affiliation of Superintendent Searchers (NASS)
By choosing to work with the VSBA on finding your next superintendent, your SU/SD will also benefit from the national network of superintendent search consultants that VSBA is a member of.
The National Affiliation of Superintendent Searchers (NASS), sponsored by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) is comprised of over 100 leading search consultants in more than 40 states who help school board associations throughout the United States identify the best superintendent candidates for their particular SU/SD. As a member of NASS, your VSBA search consultant can tap into this broad network of experience and resources. Below are links to searches in states across the country:
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa |
Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska |
New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania |
South Carolina | Tennessee | Texas | Utah |Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | Wyoming
For further information or to request assistance with a search, contact: Sandra Cameron or 802-223-3580