VSBA Staff
Sue Ceglowski
Executive Director
Email: sceglowski@vtvsba.org
Overall internal and external management
VSBA strategic planning
Governmental relations/advocacy
Consultation for boards
Primary liaison with external stakeholders
Direct assistance with all other aspects of operation
Amy Callan
Director of Operations
Email: acallan@vtvsba.org
Business operations & member services
Human Resource
Event coordination
Data management, website maintenance
Graphic design and video creation
Sandra Cameron
Associate Executive Director
Email: scameron@vtvsba.org
Facilitate Superintendent searches (manage contracts with external consultants)
Conduct Superintendent evaluations
VSBA strategic planning
Governmental relations/advocacy
Assist in drafting legislative testimony
Assist with model policy review and revisions
Direct assistance with all other aspects of operation
Debbie Singiser
Director of Board Services
Email: dsingiser@vtvsba.org
Manage the VSBA’s programs directed to school boards
Provide VSBA members with comprehensive information and guidance
Design an annual curriculum of training for school board members
Deliver educational workshops in multiple formats
Manage contracts with external consultants
Collaborate with education partners on professional development