VT Education Policy Service

Why policy is a priority:
A school district with legally compliant, up-to-date written policies and administrative procedures enjoys several advantages:
Policies and procedures provide direction to the board and administrators when dealing with daily occurrences, and ensure that the board and administrators are performing their respective policy and management functions.
Policies allow the board to articulate school district goals and establish long-term continuity.
Policies describe the board’s expectations and provide a means for it to delegate the responsibility for meeting those expectations to administrators.
Policies are an essential component of a risk management program. They ensure compliance with federal and state mandated policy requirements when failure to comply can expose the district to legal liability.
“I wanted to say how much I appreciate the work of the VSBA on our policy review. We were able to fast track a missing policy as a result of this detailed policy review as proof positive. This is truly a great service to Boards that should be taken advantage of. The VSBA has given us much to think about as we now have a plan to address the required and recommended policies into an effective policy review plan."
Gaston Bathalon,
North Country SU Policy Committee Chair
Policy Review
A diagnostic scan of your district's policy manual to assess its strengths and areas of concern, explain what is needed to bring it into compliance, and to design a recommended course of action for the district's policy committee.
Please note that policy review services are paused while the legislature is in session.
Policy Development/ Plan Implementation
VSBA staff will work with the policy committee to implement the course of action, including drafting proposed policies, meeting with the committee to guide and inform decision-making on specific policies, and laying the foundation for an effective policy process that ensures the manual is maintained in a timely and effective manner. We also assist newly-formed districts in developing a comprehensive policy manual for the new district.
Model Policies & Consultation
As part of the VSBA membership, the VSBA makes available regularly updated “Model Policies” that districts can use for guidance in developing new or revising existing policies. The VSBA regularly reviews the model policies to ensure alignment with federal and state law and regulation, and notifies member districts when changes to policies are needed. Districts can also ask for guidance on policy interpretation questions and general policy manual development.
For further information or to request support with our policy service, contact David Englander or call 802-223-3580.