Most webinars satisfy one hour of the 8-hour annual board chair/superintendent joint training requirements as stated in 16 V.S.A. § 561(b) provided both parties attend together.​
16 VSA Section 561 requires that
(b) At least annually, the chairs of each school board within a supervisory union, the chair of the supervisory union board, and the superintendent shall jointly participate in at least eight hours of professional training that, at a minimum, addresses:
educational leadership;
the relative roles and responsibilities of the supervisory union board, the school district boards, and the superintendent;
the Vermont Open Meeting Law, 1 V.S.A. §§ 310-314;
Vermont law regarding access to public records, 1 V.S.A. §§ 315-320;
collective bargaining; and
education funding and school finance laws. (Added 1969, No. 298 (Adj. Sess.), § 38; amended 2007, No. 66, § 4; 2013, No. 56, § 13, eff. May 30, 2013; 2013, No. 92 (Adj. Sess.), § 67, eff. Feb. 14, 2014.)
Everyone registering to attend any webinar will receive an email following the webinar with a link to the video, handouts and any follow-up materials.
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Legislative Lunchtime Webinar
March 6, 2025
Noon - 1:00pm
Join us during the legislature’s break for a lunchtime discussion and update on the 2025 legislative session as it relates to public education in VT. Legislators will speak to the work in their respective committees and share a preview of what’s to come in the remainder of the term. They will be joined by VSBA and VSA staff members representing their respective organizations’ members when engaging with the General Assembly on issues affecting education. VSBA has more than 60 resolutions covering a range of issues having to do with: governance, finance, instruction, labor relations, and miscellaneous. Come hear how these positions are being used to help inform the decision-making by the General Assembly.
Standard 113.3.4 The Board ensures its members understand and comply with Vermont statutes and regulations relevant to board work and public education.
Standard 113.3.5 The Board stays apprised of proposed legislation and policy-making that may affect its school system and students.
Standard 113.3.6. The Board maintains an ongoing relationship with locally elected officials.